10 hottest fogponics ultraponics (aeroponics) ideas not developed yet. Make a million!

Here are the 10 hottest ideas that you can develop into fogponics growing units:

1. use of a rolling cart of any type for the mist air chamber. Moving on..

2. the detatchable roller, or carts of any type

3. underbed storage bags or shoe holders, including the door shoe holder

4. rolling trash bins

5. carry caddies

6. Inflatables

7. use of pool stuff

8. camp pic nic stuff

9. bins

10. use of pop bottles

8 Ways your fogponics aeroponics will change the World for ALL of us. Hurry, Do it NOW.

A couple of years ago, I started reading the aquarium magazine Amazonas. This magazine showed incredible creatures being discovered, but also documented fish and plants going extinct. What I didn’t know was that plants in fast growing tropical climates has evolved in a special small area called a bioptope. This biotope had certain plants, temperature, PH, and other characteristics that existed no other place on the planet. Perhaps a certain local bush would decay putting just so much of it’s chemical in a local pond or stream. This pond or stream would have then different chemical characteristics, and all other fish, insects and animals close by would have evolved just for that tiny zone. This biotope could be as small as one block. And, if a large coconut oil plantation cleared all the land in a valley, dozens of biotopes could be destroyed forever.

Why were there then hundreds of thousands of local plants, aquatic plants, fish, and any other living creature never discovered? In fact, why were they likely never even seen by a human before? This happened because we didn’t know they were there. In fact, local peoples never knew these creatures had value. As Westerners, we never know that:

1. if we ship delicious cantaloupes from Mexico, we do help people there. But, the shipping of the cantaloupes (the fuel use), is a major contributor to global warming

2. That global warming we participate in, as well as all other countries, contributes to global warming that is killing species in world forests, deserts and oceans. For instance, a climate rising in temperature just a bit and becoming more acidic fro CO2 is killing off corals on world coral reefs.  In some areas, only “high temperature” brown ugly corals are surviving that.
3. for each species to die, hundreds of other related plants and animals die. For instance, a small fish that has evolved to eat a certain snail to live (like a fresh water goby in China), dies when the snail dies.
4. Whole bio environments collapse: the goby seems so insignificant. But, what if an invasive snail species invades that region in China and there are no gobies? Snails could clog waterways, public plumbing, and kill fish raised in farms in many ways (such as just using up the oxygen in that water used).
5. We then have an ugly world of warm temperature plants and animals. Imagine how the Muir Woods would look if the giant trees are gone!

6. each step leads to more and more global warming. Scientist say that the global warming will continue at it’s current rate: 1.5 degrees in temperature raise each year. This year, 2015, was the hottest worldwide in recorded current history!  Fires rage over dessicated forests, grasslands, and brushlands, further warming the climate.  How could you survive in a few years if the temperature was daily 10 or 20 degrees hotter? One would think that humans will just figure it out or adapt. The reality is this though: our bodies are made to function only in a certain temperature range and the young children and elderly cannot adjust to the heat. Children, especially babies, and the elderly who can’t sweat to control overheating will be vulnerable first. But, how would you sit on the Cancun sand if it’s 125 degrees out? How would drive your car on melting asphalt? How would you take your dog for a walk outside? And, any person in the world with low income or living in a poor country could not protect themselves from this heat.

And, scientists are ALL in agreement about this global warming trend and it’s threat to all. Further, they feel this could cause other catastrophic events such as a shift in ocean salinity and change in ocean currents leading to a global ice age!  Now, remember, this is  not speculation, the information is showing up and it’s now shocking! Research and new Satellite mapping of the planet and oceans has contributed to our new powerful knowledge of this just this last few months.

Now, we face catastrophic disaster that is not just some silly movie. There rapid rise the last few years in
catastrophic tropical storms
tornadoes have increased dramatically and tornado super cells are on the rise
and more changes are occurring in all world wide weather patterns.

This movie, Into the Storm, was based on the largest recorded tornado, destroying in Colorado.

Summer 2015 tornado super cell has two tornadoes dancing below. Photo Wash Post:

From Weather.com August 27, 2015:

So, what can you do? Experiment, fail, succeed, and show others about fogponics!  Here’s why. Can you think of other reasons? Add your ideas in the comments sections!

If you did this, or innovated on any other idea or variation of this, you could be:

The first person in the world to create this innovation
The first person to show others how to do this
Contribute to the knowledge of fogponics / ultraponics
Create something inspiring others to further create anything in their life
Create something showing others how to grow in their home, in vertical gardens, or innovate fogponics ideas for public art or plazas!
Grow healthy tasty foods or awesome ornamental plants

But, your idea:

  1. Could develop a fogponics world culture
  2. Reduce CO2 in many ways, helping save our acidic hot planet
  3. Contribute to the survival of humans and  plants and animals
  4. Show people in arid areas (Ethiopia, California, really the whole world), how to grow with tiny amounts of water
  5. Lower CO2 levels and Illness because fogponics plants don’t have diseases or bugs
  6. Grow the NEW knowledge of creating plant growth solutions that are like nature: real biotopes with healthy bacteria and needed root fungus
  7. Bring healthy nutritious green foods to the poor (low income people can least afford good vegetables and fruits) which would reduce their illness, weight gains, and social costs for their health problems
  8. Help develop new ideas and technologies that change how the public things about growing things in the world and saving rare species in deserts, forests, and our oceans.